43 Years of Native Ministry!
"Those who hadn't been told about him will see,
and those who hadn't heard will understand." Isa.52:15
Hello! My name is Mike Peters
I have stepped aside from the pulpit after 43 years of Native ministry. Even though I do not actively preach every Sunday, I maintain this website to help indigenous people learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a daily life of victory.
Start the journey towards spiritual growth and
maturity today!
Ruth & Esther
What if it's not true?
For over 500 years the indigenous people of North America have been told that in order to become a Christian and go to heaven we must forsake our way of life and accept the European way.
We were told that our sacred ways were not acceptable to God because they were pagan. God hated our language; our dress; our songs; our dances and our worldviews.
But what if it's not true? For generations missionaries have told us that we had to leave our culture behind and assimilate into theirs. What if that is a lie?
We have never been given the chance to invite Jesus into our culture to transform it like He has in every culture He has created.
4FM asks the question: What would our indigenous culture look like if we invited Jesus into it, rather than us leaving it?
Can we be both fully Native and fully Christian?
Is it possible to invite Jesus to redeem our Native culture!
4FM believes the answer is YES!