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Current & Past Studies


First Light 
Current Study 

Ruth - Introduction 1
00:00 / 15:00
Ruth - Introduction 2
00:00 / 09:23
Ruth 1Pastor Mike
00:00 / 19:47
Ruth 2Pastor Mike
00:00 / 19:46
Ruth 3Pastor Mike
00:00 / 19:27
Ruth 1 3-5Pastor Mike
00:00 / 15:54
Ruth Study 5Pastor Mike
00:00 / 31:45
Ruth Study 6Pastor Mike
00:00 / 26:25
Ruth Study 7Pastor Mike
00:00 / 17:31
Ruth Study 8Pastor Mike
00:00 / 20:55
Ruth Study 9 = Fields of Grace
00:00 / 23:17
Ruth 2:8-12 Study 10
00:00 / 21:26
Ruth 2:13-14 Study 11
00:00 / 20:21
Ruth 2:15-17 Stufy 12
00:00 / 20:21
Ruth: Thankfulness Stufy 13
00:00 / 23:05
Ruth 2:19-21 Study 14
00:00 / 27:01
Ruth Redeemer Study 15
00:00 / 25:54
Happy New Year!
00:00 / 23:41
Ruth #17 - Meeting At Midnight
00:00 / 35:22
Ruth #18
00:00 / 21:43
Ruth 3:4-9 #19
00:00 / 20:34
Mountain Climber

Higher Ground

ContentmentMike Peters
00:00 / 21:33
Here to Eternity
00:00 / 30:52
00:00 / 18:36
Parable of 2 Sons
00:00 / 44:59
Are You Coming To Supper
00:00 / 22:17
00:00 / 27:15
00:00 / 27:55

The Covenants

Covenant Pt 1
00:00 / 31:06
Covenant Pt. 2
00:00 / 20:10
Covenant Pt. 3 Final
00:00 / 33:57
00:00 / 24:25
God's Righteousness
00:00 / 18:26
Triump of the Resurrection
00:00 / 24:48

Let's Make A Deal!

Let's Make A Deal - Door#1
00:00 / 32:30
Let's Make A Deal - Door#2
00:00 / 18:08
Let's Make A Deal - Door#3
00:00 / 18:52
Let's Make A Deal - Door#4
00:00 / 24:40
Living In an Evil World
00:00 / 28:28
Liiving In An Evil World Pt.2
00:00 / 24:19
Covenant Pt. 3 Final
00:00 / 33:57

The End Of Time

End of Tme - 1
End of Time pt.2
End of Time 3
End of Time 4
End of Time 5
End of Time 6 Pt.1
End of Time 6 pt.2
End of Time 7 pt1
End of Time 7 pt2
End of Time 8 pt1
End of Time 8 pt2
End of Time 9
The End of Time 10
End of Time 11
End of Time 11 pt.2
End Time 12
End Times 13
End of time 14
End of time 15
End of Time 16
End of Time 17
End of Time 18
End of Time 19 13:11-18
00:00 / 29:17
End of Time - Pt.20 - Rev 14
00:00 / 25:39
End of Time Pt.21 - Rev.15
00:00 / 19:41
End of Time pt.22 - Rev 16
00:00 / 20:46
End of Time Pt.23 - Rev 17 1-4
00:00 / 23:50
End of Time Pt.24 Rev 17:5-6
00:00 / 16:53
End of Time Pt.25 Rev 17
00:00 / 19:23
End of Time Pt.26 - Rev 17
00:00 / 22:35
End of Time Pt.27 - Rev 17
00:00 / 33:12
End of Time Pt.28-Rev 17
00:00 / 28:36
End of Time Pt29 Rev 18:1-8
00:00 / 29:36
End of Time Pt.30 Rev 18
00:00 / 19:58
End of Time Pt.31 Rev.18:21-24
00:00 / 20:24
Rev 19 - Wedding Time! - Pt32
00:00 / 24:23
#37 - Revelation 19 - Armageddon
00:00 / 23:15
Rev 19 - Teaching 34-Wedding Pt.3
00:00 / 18:15
Rev 19-Teaching 35-Armageddon
00:00 / 22:14
Teaching 36: Zecharia - Armageddon
00:00 / 19:12
Rev 19 - Teaching 34-Wedding Pt.3
00:00 / 18:15
Rev 19-Teaching 35-Armageddon
00:00 / 22:14
Teaching 36: Zecharia - Armageddon
00:00 / 19:12
#37 - Revelation 19 - Armageddon
00:00 / 23:15
#38 Rev 19 - Lake of Fire
00:00 / 32:17
#42 Rev 20 11-15
00:00 / 26:52
#46 Rev 21:18-24
00:00 / 24:16
#39 Rev 20 1-3
00:00 / 22:09
#40 Rev 20 4-6
00:00 / 21:02
#41 Rev 20:7-10 Destruction of Satan
00:00 / 17:14
#43 Rev 21 1-5
00:00 / 24:07
#44 Rev 21 6-8
00:00 / 22:47
#47 Rev 22 :1&2
00:00 / 23:41
Revelation Final Teaching
00:00 / 20:34
#45 Rev 21 7-14
00:00 / 24:31
footsteps of jesus.jpg

Who Is Jesus?

What if Jesus is not just a concept of the white man's religion?  What if he really is the Son of Creator? Would you follow him?

Who is Jesus 1
Who is Jesus 2
Who is Jesus 3

The 4 Messianic Miracles

Have you noticed that Jesus was always surrounded by the religious leaders?  Ever wonder why?  These teachings will change the way you understand your Bible.

1st Miracle
2nd Miracle
3rd Miracle
4th Miracle
Healing the blind.jpg

The Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit 1Mike
00:00 / 19:53
Holy Spirit 6Mike
00:00 / 14:24
Holy Spirit 11Mike
00:00 / 19:36
Holy Spirit 2Mike
00:00 / 13:33
Holy Spirit 7Mike
00:00 / 13:56
Holy Spirit 12Mike
00:00 / 14:51
Holy Spirit 3Mike
00:00 / 19:27
Holy Spirit 8Mike
00:00 / 13:17
Holy Spirit 13Mike
00:00 / 17:35
Holy Spirit 4Mike
00:00 / 13:09
Holy Spirit 9Mike
00:00 / 16:25
Holy Spirit 14Mike
00:00 / 11:36
Holy Spirit 5Mike
00:00 / 16:59
`Holy Spirit 10Mike
00:00 / 14:56
Holy Spirit 15Mike
00:00 / 18:45
Spiritual Warfare 1
Spiritual Warfare 2
Spiritual Warfare 3
Spiritual Warfare 4
Spiritual Warfare 5
Reality 1
Reality 2
Spiritual Warfare Final

Holiday Teachings

Mary Mouse

Decorated Christmas Tree



"Family Time"

Mary Is The Source

The Shepherds


Ghost SupperMike Peters
00:00 / 21:11
Does Halloween Honor God?
00:00 / 17:25
Christmas Message 2022
00:00 / 10:30
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